In the high school, we seek to nurture students challenging them to grow intellectually, physically and spiritually. We offer a solid college prep curriculum that provides a comprehensive educational environment. HPBA’s program enables each student to discover and develop his or her talents in order to serve God wherever they may be called.  Chapels are held once a week, and elective classes offer students a chance to explore further opportunities for growth in fine arts, sciences, and computer applications.

Click HERE for a list and description of High Point electives.

High Point’s secondary grades (6th-12th) run on a modified block schedule we call BLUE and GOLD days.  According to the National Education Association, the benefits of a block schedule include:

• Students have more time for reflection and less information to process over the course of a school day.

• Research found students retain information longer.

• Teachers see fewer students during the day, giving them more time for individualized instruction.

This schedule also provides for a 30 minute “Help Period” where students who need to see a specific teacher can. It’s like office hours. Students make up work, they can get individualized guidance on assignments, they can do that evening’s homework, or, if they’re caught up with everything, they can relax and socialize, play games, or read.