EITC Information Meeting
Join us for an information meeting led by Penngift Director, Jerry Birmelin to learn more about the Educational Income Tax Credit Program. Light refreshments...
Enrollment Night
Please join us for our annual Enrollment Night on Friday, February 17th (back-up date 2/18 at 10:00am). Registration will begin at 6:30. Elementary students...
Academy Play: Sherlock Holmes
The Theater Arts Program at HPBA is working hard on their spring performance, SHERLOCK HOLMES! This year, tickets will be available to purchase at...
Homecoming 2022
High Point Homecoming 2022 is just around the corner! Join us after Grandparents Day on Friday, October 7 for a fun-filled afternoon as we...
Wiffle Ball Tournament
Join us for our EAGLE FEST Wiffle Ball Tournament on Saturday, May 21 from 4:00-6:00. Concessions and prizes will be available. Please register teams...
EITC Information Meeting and Open House
Join us for an information meeting led by Penngift Director, Jerry Birmelin to learn more about the Earned Income Tax Credit Program. Light refreshments...
First Day Of School
First day of school orientation will include discussing the student handbook, guidelines, and our school’s AUP. The aim of High Point Baptist Academy’s Acceptable Use...

Serve a thon
This year, we will be serving our local community in two ways: Elementary (grades K-5) will be creating a vegetable garden that will be...

Journey To Bethlehem
Join us for a “Journey To Bethlehem.” The Year is 1 BC Caesar Augustus rules the powerful Roman Empire and has ordered a survey...

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Due to the mitigation of Covid, conferences will need to take place after school (not before or during). Conference times will be from 3-5pm...

Early Enrollment Deadline
The countdown is on! Early registration incentives expire soon (5% off tuition and $100 off registration) – deadline is February 10th! Please note: registration...

Join us for a night of merry adventure in Sherwood Forest! Doors open at 5:45 pm. Tickets are sold at the door and seating...

Enrollment Night
We invite you to join us for our 7th annual Enrollment Night with special guest speaker – Jeff Keaton with Renewanation. The night will...

Open House
High Point Baptist Academy will be hosting an open house on March 24th from 9am-1pm. Please call or email to schedule a 30 minute...

Matching Gift Deadline
Time is running out to give to our HPBA Matching Gift that benefits the Kenneth R. Lang Scholarship Fund. Go to our matching gift...

4th Annual Golf Tournament
Join us for an opportunity to play on the esteemed 18 hole championship golf course of French Creek Golf Club designed by Gil Hanse....

French Creek Hike – Secondary
Secondary hike around the lake ending with worship and prayer groups.

Sports Award Ceremony
Parents please join us on May 15th @ 7:45 am for our annual Breakfast and Sports Award Ceremony in recognition of our HPBA athletes...
Spring Play
Based off of the childhood board game, this murder mystery will keep you guessing! Was it Miss Scarlet in the lounge with the rope...