Parent Tid-bits on the Brain

We’ve all been in that frustrating situation when our child is supposed to be working on homework and they just won’t focus. It quickly becomes a discipline issue and the situation escalates with everyone upset. Well, our dear children, without even realizing it, may have a legit point when it comes to paying attention and focusing. There are a number of brain-related factors that can hinder attention: glucose levels (give them proper fuel- let them grab a snack and drink), know your child’s learning style (does he need music in the background or absolute quietness- work hard at giving him that environment), and allow time for processing meaning (he CANNOT be learning new information at the same time as making meaning of it- he needs time to process it). So if your child is in for a long night of homework…….let him grab a snack, study where he needs to, and get him up every 15 minutes for a “brain break”. This is when TRUE absorption is taking place!!