Homebound Instruction – 3/20/2020

Dear HP Families,
I have been thinking and praying for you all under these hard, changing days. I pray that you are able to find some rest and peace with your loved ones as we trust our future to the Lord. I have loved seeing all the home-bound instruction going on and appreciate your hard work as we pull together as a unified team now more than ever!
I believe it would be beneficial for our students to have all of their materials and textbooks with them going forward since we do not know how the next few weeks will unfold. Because of this, our Elementary Teachers are preparing and planning for long-term home bound instruction. With the information we’ve been given at this time, please note that our school closure is only through next Friday, March 27, however, we want to be wise and plan for the worst case scenario. Therefore, we are asking all of our elementary parents to PICK-UP ALL OF THEIR STUDENT(S) REMAINING TEXTBOOKS TODAY, FRIDAY MARCH 20 BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 1:00PM and 4:00PM. There will be a pick-up line on the porch of the church sanctuary. Please enter the Academy parking lot from the Chapel Road entrance and pull your car up to the church porch. There is no need to exit your vehicle. A staff member will hand you your student(s) materials in a bag. Please exit the parking lot through the Furnace Road exits. We realize that this is last minute, and we apologize for that, however, we find it necessary to do this today. This is not to invoke panic, but to be prepared.
This specifically applies to elementary. For our middle school families, if you would like to check out an iPad from the school to assist your child in their at home learning, you may do so from 1pm-4pm today as well. One iPad will be issued to each family per availability.
Our teachers will hold at home office hours from 9am-11am for students and parents to contact them starting March 30th if needed. You may email anytime, but they will make themselves available for immediate questions during this time daily. Expect to hear from your child’s teacher on what platform they will use to communicate during their office hours. I will email you more specifically how our home-bound instruction will look in the next few days.
I am so thankful for the HOPE we have in Christ,
Melissa Kauffman