Summer Time: What Do Kids and Teens Need?

March 13th was the last day we were all in school together. It was a chaotic day for everyone. Teachers were figuring out what school work students should take home for next 2 weeks, classes looked different as we prepared students to learn remotely, and we didn’t think that it was going to be the last time we would see each other for a long time. But here we are, we did not have school for the rest of the year. Thanks to technology, we were still able “meet” with each other through our screens. But as we emerge from COVID-19 and the Lockdown due to it, here are some needs that your child might have and some things to consider.
Social Interactions
This is a given, but I want to briefly walk through it. God exists in relationships as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and we are created in His image. I am sure after social distancing for so long, we all felt the lack of relationships. We miss seeing people, we miss social interactions, we miss face-to-face conversations, and we crave for social interactions. Maybe for some of us, it was an eye-opening experience to know how much physical touch, like high-fives, fist bumps, hand shakes, and hugs, are important to you. Even though you have a family, maybe this was an opportunity for you to realize how blessed we are to have a community outside of our family. This summer, as the social distancing is slowly being lifted, we must take advantage of social interactions, reconnect with people face-to-face, and enjoy relationships. It is a gift from God, let’s enjoy it! Social interaction is a necessity for our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, let’s take social interaction seriously. Intentionally make time to be with others.
Less Screen Time
As we live in this world, we cannot separate ourselves from screens. But during the Lockdown, our screen time shot up. Some studies say our daytime screen usage has gone up 70 – 80%. In order for our life to continue in the midst of the Lockdown, the screen usage was very much necessary. School was all online, social interactions were through online, church was online, shopping was online, entertainment was online; everything was online! However, as summer begins, we should control our screen time as much as possible.
Too much screen time can affect your attention span, eyesight, cause sleep disorders, contribute to obesity, and create a lack of social skills. In addition, kids and teens have a higher chance to be exposed to inappropriate material, unhealthy social media usage, and simply wasting of time. We have to understand that not all screen time is bad, however, too much is not good and if our daytime screen usage has gone up 70 – 80%, we have to be watchful.
For kids and teens to be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy, less screen time is necessary. Let’s be intentional in the ways we use screens, and let’s be creative in the ways not to use screens. During the summer time, schooling will not be happening online, social distancing may decrease, and warmer days will help push us outside. Summer time is the perfect time to create healthier habits that do not involve using a screen.
This might be more of a focus for our Seniors who are not coming back and did not get to say a proper goodbye. Graduation or leaving the school does not mean goodbye for ever; however, when we all left the school on March 13th, thinking we will be back in 2 weeks, this leaves you feeling “up in the air”. If you have an opportunity during the summer, create time and an opportunity to say a proper goodbye to each other. Closure is important because it allows people to move on. Just like a book, moving on to the next chapter, an author is not going to move on in the middle of a sentence. An author will finish a sentence, and put a period at the end of the sentence. Closing one chapter well is important because it concludes one chapter as a finished product, as well as allowing the new chapter to start out fresh and strong. This summer, if it is possible, let’s make sure that closure will happen.
Not “Back to normal” Mentality
As time goes on, and summer begins, most likely the Lockdown will be lifted up, things will open up again, and slowly life will start to go back to normal. Oftentimes, I hear this phrase of “back to normal”. Of course, businesses will reopen, we can go see people, and we can shake people’s hands. So yes, our life will go back to normal in that sense. But this world is filled with sin, filled with evilness. As much as we desire for life to be back to normal, we should also desire absolute change. Here is what I mean: We must pursue sanctification (Self-change) and we must pursue revival (World-change).
Philippians 3:12 – 14 says, “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Paul, first of all, is not satisfied with his spiritual state. Matt Chandler, in his book “To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain”, calls his discontentment a “holy discontentment”. Paul was never satisfied with his spiritual state because it was certainly not perfect. That is why he presses on to make it my his own, because Christ Jesus has made him his own, and toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. This is Paul’s all-in mentality and all-in effort toward sanctification. In Paul’s eagerness and hunger toward sanctification, he uses the term “press on”. The term “press on” means “run”, “sprint”, “chase after something or someone”. So the term “press on” is a very aggressive, intense term. He aggressively and intensely pursues sanctification. We must pursue our sanctification like Paul did. He sets a great example for us in Philippians 3:12 – 14.
The Gospel of Matthew ends with the Great Commission from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:18 – 20 says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” We are commanded to share the Gospel to all nations, and we wait here till the day Jesus comes back again. We must continually pray and work toward the world’s revival.
As our life will look more “back to normal” (hopefully very soon), I pray that we will pursue our sanctification and revival, so that we don’t and the world doesn’t look like “back to normal”, but rather looks better. If you are a student and reading this, I pray that you’d pursue your sanctification and the ways you can serve for revival. If you are a parent and reading this, I pray that you will verbally encourage your child(ren), as well as showing this, by example, through your actions.