Brenda Hoffman
Brenda Hoffman and her husband Jonathan grew up in the area and are both alumni of the academy. They live in Morgantown with their three children, Brad, Drew, and Kelsey.
After graduating from HPBA, Brenda received her bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Cedarville University. She then taught for five years before having children. She taught third grade for three years at West-Mont Christian Academy and fourth grade for two years at High Point. While at home with the children, she home schooled each of them for kindergarten, first and second grades. She is now happy to be back at HPBA with her children and teaching fifth grade.
Whether being at home or going to a baseball game, Brenda enjoys just being with her family doing many different activities. Together they enjoy things like family outings, the beach, board games, audio books, and biking.
She also desires to continue growing in her relationship with Jesus and to see her family and students do the same.